Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)(Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

Meghan Markle’s return to the UK is highly unlikely, claims a royal expert. While Prince Harry is scheduled to visit London in the coming months, Markle accompanying him with their children is not happening anytime soon. Recent reports suggested that Prince William and Princess Kate have been working to mend the royal rift and extended an invitation to the estranged family member, but Meghan declined the request.


As confirmed by Harry himself and considering his plans to attend the Invictus Games event in May, the Duke of Sussex will make a quick trip to the UK. Earlier, Harry also expressed his desire to visit his ailing father, King Charles, who has been diagnosed with cancer. While many speculated that Meghan would accompany him to the palace, royal commentator Esther Krakue, in conversation with GB News, suggested that might not be the case.

“I actually think she’s avoiding the UK because she’s not interested in the whole drama and, kind of, being injected, is she going to talk to [Princess] Kate, and all of that.” Esther Krakue told the outlet.
Meghan will never return to UK because of refusal to curtsey to Kate says  royal biographer - Wales Online


Things haven’t been going so well for the royals lately. Court cases, health issues, and the general state of affairs have been off the rails. Meghan is thought to be keeping a low profile due to security concerns after Harry lost a high court case against the Home Office, as well as a desire to avoid further conflict between her and Princess Kate.

“I personally think she’s not going to come because, obviously, Harry has lost his case with the Home Office and he said he doesn’t feel safe bringing his family over [to the UK] and I also think this is going to be a time where distance between the Sussexes and the Royal Family will be calcified because the focus will obviously be on the Princess of Wales and the King recovering, they don’t need the whole Netflix drama.” Claims Krakue.


Harry and Meghan have been residing in the US since they left the UK in early 2020 after announcing their decision to leave the royal family. Earlier this year, Harry lost a legal battle against the UK Home Office and RAVEC at the High Court in the United Kingdom. The Duke wanted to overturn a decision that reduced his security classification after he was no longer a “working royal” due to fears for his own safety and the safety of his wife, Meghan Markle, and two children Archie and Lilibet.

Thomas has since made several public pleas to reconcile, all of which Meghan has denied through representatives. Now, in a raw emotional interview, the 78-year-old retiree is speaking with a tearful tremor in his voice, claiming Meghan is threatening harm if he doesn’t stop discussing revelations that she has a secret 21-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

According to Thomas, while Meghan cut him off years ago, anonymous texts have been sent in recent weeks warning him that his life is now at risk since going public with knowledge of this mystery child. Thomas claims that Meghan became pregnant at age 19, shortly after graduating high school in Los Angeles. Though not officially married, the father was from a brief relationship who chose not to be involved once learning of the pregnancy, not wanting to derail Meghan’s budding acting career or education dreams.Reportedly, Meghan gave birth in secret and placed the daughter for adoption shortly after through an obscure agency, keeping the whole ordeal hidden even from Thomas and Doria at the time. Now, tearfully holding up one of the threatening texts allegedly sent from Meghan through an encrypted app, Thomas professes his deep fears after being told directly, “Your life will be over if you keep talking.”

e pleads for his daughter to make contact and asks the messages to stop, claiming he only wants to reconcile before it’s too late. Thomas has now contacted the FBI for protection and voiced strong suspicions that this adopted daughter may be trying to reach out after learning the shocking truth herself.

If his story proves true, this could be the biggest royal scandal yet and has sent shockwaves through social media, with users demanding answers. While secrecy around adoption is understandable, many feel questions now need to be addressed regarding Meghan allegedly obscuring this monumental secret from even her own father and potential half-sister out there who deserves the truth.

On top of threatening behavior and using money to silence people, this paints the Duchess’s character in an even more unfavorable light. Countless messages pour in showing support for Thomas, with users slamming Meghan as being just like her sister Samantha due to harmful, premeditated behavior and constant lying through manipulation to craft narratives.

This time, involving serious allegations that strike at the heart of her credibility entirely. For naive North American royal fans, perhaps this marks their final break in belief too, upon witnessing how low she’ll sink with vicious intimidation involving family members speaking their truth.

Given their ongoing legal battles over a letter to Dad, Meghan’s camp wasted no time slamming Thomas as an opportunist controlled by evil forces, looking to capitalize, not denying specifics of his claims while spinning things as a money tactic.

But for royal experts and the British public still reeling over “Megxit” betrayals, threats against an aging father cross a major line. No amount of PR spin can counter; her silence speaks volumes as proof of conduct deserving no sympathy or title anymore after dangerous extremes taken.

All remaining supporters will have difficult questions too upon weighing Thomas’s account and demeanor against consistent victim narratives spun since “Megxit” began ripping a family apart. And what of this mystery daughter, desperate for answers, who finds herself at the center through no choice of her own? Privacy shields cannot outweigh questions surrounding potential half-sisters cut off from crucial roots at the hands of greed and power play.

Transparency is owed after so much harm done already, spanning generations torn apart by selfish acts. While the palace maintains silence, outside observers agree: enough proof exists now to rescind royal links and titles wielded to harm innocence.

Any public figure would face accountability for verified threats and using influence to oppress victims. Sorted secrets unveiled prove Meghan’s brand has devolved into a danger seeking damage control, not empowerment as falsely sold to naive publics manipulated for too long.