There is a great desire to immerse ourselves in the universe of Los Inmortales again.

The saga starring Christopher Lambert will return after many years of waiting, but this time it will be Henry Cavill who takes charge of the project that Chad Stahelski will direct.

“You haven't seen anything yet”: Henry Cavill hasn't stopped training with the sword and promises crazy things for The Immortals

We already know some details about the project, such as the return of the legendary Queen soundtrack, and now it has been the performer who has delved into his preparation for the role. During CinemaCon, Cavill confessed that his mastery with the sword will go much further from what we have seen so far in him.

“I’m a lover of original movies, for better or worse. And it’s one of those things where, when I first read the script, I wasn’t really sure where they were going to go with it. But, my God, What we’re doing with this is we’ve only touched on the lore of the first films. We’re delving into the meaning of these characters, and their various trials and tribulations. And also, if you thought you’d seen me work with swords before, you haven’t. “I haven’t seen anything yet, I promise.”

It won’t be the first time Cavill has held the sharp steel with both hands, since he was already able to demonstrate his skill throughout the seasons of The Witcher series on Netflix. The performer, who has participated in films such as Mission: Impossible – Fallout or Man of Steel, has no problem with the action scenes.

We will see what the old Superman has in store for us, since the main dynamic of the fantasy franchise is that the immortal characters annihilate their fellow humans by decapitating them with a sword. Stahelski has pointed out that will pay tribute to the original productionsbut he has also made it clear that he will go further with a bet that will be released, predictably, in 2026.

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