Friday’s episode of Loose Women saw Nadia Sawalha share her delight at the news that Boots have decided to remove the signs ‘Feminine Hygiene’ from their stores later this year

Loose Women fans were not impressed with Sunetra Sarker as they tuned into Friday’s show.

The latest episode of the ITV show saw panelist Nadia Sawalha mention that Boots have announced they will be removing signs for ‘feminine hygiene’ from their stores.

“I’m really excited about this,” she said. “They are no longer going to call sanitary products ‘Feminine Hygiene’ and then later in the year, also in the aisles of the shop, it’s going to be called ‘Period Products’. Hallelujah!

“People have been campaigning for this

“Really? I disagree,” Sunetra quickly fired back, before adding: “I like it. Female Hygiene is for a lot of things which cover periods and everything to do with what I don’t want to actually tell everyone about all the time.

Sunetra Sarker and Nadia Sawalha clashed on Friday's episode of Loose Women
Sunetra Sarker and Nadia Sawalha clashed on Friday’s episode of Loose Women
“If I’m with my son, say he’s aged 12 or 13, and I’m bringing him down the period aisle, I’m letting him know – which is maybe not something i would necessarily always want him to know.

“Also, I think there’s a girl code about talking about periods. We all talk about it but inviting that aisle to say ‘Period Aisle’ makes me feel a little bit outed,” she added.

“I’m so shocked!” Nadia replied. “Because if your son is in the period aisle, the period is like the very force of woman, the brilliance of us. Your son wouldn’t be here without your period!”

Sunetra doesn't agree with Boots changing their Feminine Hygiene signs in their stores

Sunetra doesn’t agree with Boots changing their Feminine Hygiene signs in their stores
“I understand that, that’s not the problem, the problem is labelling it,” Sunetra responded as Nadia butted in saying: “No, telling the truth of what it is!”

“I might not want to share that information with everyone that’s watching me, and I think there’s still a stigma in me that likes knowing when it’s mine…” Sunetra then said as Nadia continue to look gobsmacked.

Viewers tuning in at home were not impressed with Sunetra’s comments and took to Twitter to comment.

One person posted: “this woman in green is making me angry #loosewomen no way should we feel embarrassed about it being called period products. shut up.”

The Loose Women panel were divided when it came to the stigma of periods
The Loose Women panel were divided when it came to the stigma of periodsSomeone else tweeted: “why should there be such a taboo around period products and talking about periods? they’re a part of every day life & they’re only natural, time to get rid of the stigma!! #LooseWomen.”

A third viewer commented: “As a man, I am baffled by why women don’t want to mention periods. It’s actually annoying that they don’t tell you about it, I don’t want to be ignorant. Half the population have them, it’s normal, it’s not shameful or dirty or anything. #LooseWomen @loosewomen.”

Someone else posted: “It shouldn’t be feminine hygiene because nothing about your period is unhygienic, periods say exactly what it is, we shouldn’t ever be ashamed of having periods and we need to be inclusive of all those who bleed. #LooseWomen.”