Victoria Beckham has a huge collection of designer accessories, not to mention luxury products from her own fashion brand of the same name. But the Hermès Birkin is by far her favorite handbag.
Vogue magazine believes that David Beckham’s wife’s obsession with Hermès handbags may have originated in 2004, when she invested in the brown Birkin version.
She has “managed” to have the most special and coveted versions, which can be resold for millions of dollars, such as burgundy ostrich leather and crocodile leather versions.
Victoria Beckham has figured out what’s trendy and turned it into a covetable collection. Within 5 years (in 2009),
The Guardian estimated that Ms. Beck had about 100 Birkins and it is likely that the number has increased since then.
Back in 2007, when Birkin bags sold for about 3,500 USD (nearly 83 million VND), the former singer spent at least 315,000 USD (about 7.4 billion VND) in cash at Hermès for about 100 of her handbags. this brand. It is estimated that the value of the entire collection currently reaches 2 million USD (equivalent to 47.3 billion VND).
This makes LuxuryLaunches writer Neha Tandon Sharma wonder, are Birkin handbags really worth the investment? And if Victoria uses that money to invest in Hermès shares, what will happen?
In December 2007, the company’s share price was trading around 90 USD (about 2.1 million VND). On July 17 this year, the share price reached 2,100 USD (nearly 50 million VND), bringing an incredible profit of 2,320%.
According to Deloitte and Credit Suisse, Hermès Birkin averaged 28% profit in 2020, the highest among luxury bag collections. The fact that the fashion house does not mass-produce handbags is one of the reasons why they are so widely coveted.
Despite an 8-10% increase in Birkin and Kelly releases in early 2023, shoppers are still hungry.
Hermès is one of the most valuable fashion brands in the world. The majority of the brand’s products are handmade, with a team of 180-250 artisans working on cutting, finishing and sewing. This explains the high product quality and price.
The brand also places a limit on the number of Birkin bags a customer can buy each year. Limited accessibility and high demand from consumers increasingly make the bag an item that many people desire.
Over time, this luxury accessory gradually became a symbol of status and luxury, even considered a better investment than gold.
Victoria Beckham’s wardrobe with about 100 handbags from the French fashion house seems large. But the person who owns the world’s largest collection of Birkin bags is not David Beckham’s wife. This position belongs to “branded queen” Jamie Chua.
According to Daily Mail, the Singaporean female tycoon’s 65 square meter wardrobe is filled with more than 200 Hermès bags (with prices ranging from 183 million VND to 6.8 billion VND), 300 pairs of shoes and jewelry drawers. diamond power.
The most precious item in Jamie Chua’s wardrobe is the Hermès Himalaya Niloticus Crocodile Diamond Birkin handbag worth 300,000 USD (equivalent to 7 billion VND), covered with crocodile leather and sparkling with diamonds.