There is a bad stench wafting around the property, that was onced used as a private asylum.I heard that the stench was coming the cesspit in the dungeon.The board of health found out and kicked them out, my Polly Parrot tells me!

They claim “not to be happy” in their Montecito home; however, the excuse put forth is, “We don’t have enough “PRIVACY”!!! Seems to me that “lack of privacy” has become Meghan and Harry’s “go-to excuse” for just about everything these days that isn’t working out for Harry’s wife.



Meghan Markle And Prince Harry's Charity Foundation Is Back To Business  After Being Ordered To Stop Raising Money - SHEfinds

Their neighbors are most likely THRILLED that the dim prince and his fame and wealth seeking wife are moving elsewhere. BUT……I’m actually now feeling sorry for Harry. He seems so resolved as he’s given up almost all of his princely roots and life in order to meet Meghan’s never-ending desires.

I’m still in shock after recently reading that Meghan actually asked the crew of Air Force One if she and Harry could fly back to the US from England on Air Force One with our president!!!! HER HUGE EGO certainly has no boundaries!! Harry HAD to be embarrassed and mortified with her brusk behavior and request! Seems to me he needs to man up and take control of his life.

I worked in Santa Barbara for a year, and it’s a money town. Montecito is the rich neighborhood of a rich town, so you can imagine the kind of money it takes just to live there. Plus, they are in Taxifornia, where the state and local governments are constantly ratifying new taxes and raising old taxes. Also, living as a celebrity is a job by itself with daily makeup, hair, wardrobe, social media, being seen at the right places with the right people, and always having to be prepared to be ambushed by paparazzi. Megan can’t ever be seen running into Walmart for tampons. Her assistant does that while she is in Whole Foods picking out the trendy organic brands that can fit in precisely 2 cloth grocery sacks that perfectly coordinate with her “casual unplanned” everyday outfit. (To me, being a celebrity sounds like a complete nightmare. I would rather clean chicken poo out of henhouses than be a celebrity.)


What was the reason behind Meghan and Harry's decision to purchase a home  by the ocean? - Quora

The Harkles have been fired from multiple jobs, and lots of their other content has been debunked. Not only is their income drying up, but pretty soon they will be getting hit with breach of contract lawsuits. It seems one of the reasons why Megan was fired from Spotify is that she actually had an assistant do the interviews with guests, then dubbed in her voice later. Then you add on that Hollywood is also having a an actors and writers strike, with streaming services right in the middle of it. The production companies have publicly declared that they intend to wait out the actors and writers, even to the point of cutting down shade trees where picket lines have been so that protestors don’t even have shade in the Los Angeles summer. Production companies would be interested only in negotiating with top talent, and the Harkles ain’t it.

Megan would still be able to make money playing the race card, except that she pissed off Oprah and Madea (Tyler Perry). If you piss off two of the biggest female black pop culture icons, especially if you’re a black woman, you might as well walk around wearing Klan sheets.

Harry has made a pariah of himself in the Commonwealth. He has proven himself to be a significant security risk, plus who wants a drunk and a junkie around their kids?

The Harkles are running out of money fast. Charles knows the only way to get Harry and the grandkids back in the fold is to refuse to bailout the Harkles. Anytime he might waver on his resolve, Princess Royale Anne controls Harry’s trust and she is made of steel. If Charles even flinches, Anne is right there to warn Charles “our mother coddled and bailed out Andrew, and now he’s got warrants for his arrests by foreign governments for pedofilia on Epstein Island. Harry is actually married to an Epstein yacht girl, so if you do anything but kick his ass up to his shoulder blades, things will be much worse.”