Lady Colin Campbell’s Jealousy Towards Meghan Markle Is Getting Creepy

Meghan Markle, and the rest of us, are getting sick of people like Lady Colin Campbell. | Source: Ian Watson/USA Network via AP

In a newly-released book, Lady Colin Campbell claims that Meghan Markle “played Prince Harry like a piano.”

According to this self-professed “royal biographer,” the Duchess of Sussex destroyed everything that the Duke of Sussex stood for, and he allowed it because he was so sick and in love.
Campbell is a known liar who has had an issue with Markle from the beginning — and her obsession with Markle is borderline creepy.

Lady Colin Campbell is at it again.

The sworn enemy of Meghan Markle has just released a statement swearing that the Duchess of Sussex not only “played Prince Harry like a piano,” but she single-handedly destroyed everything and anything he loved and stood for.

These accusations are bad enough on their own. But coming from a known liar like Campbell, they become particularly galling — and creepy.
Lady Colin CampbellThis sad woman clearly wants to be in the spotlight. | Source: Twitter

Are We Still Pushing This “Meghan Markle Is A Black Widow” Nonsense?

So-called “royal biographers” can’t seem to make up their minds. They alternate between claims of Meghan Markle being either the most powerful woman in the world — able to destroy an entire royal family by luring a minor royal away from his loving hearth and home — or she’s a jealous, petty weakling who wanted to be the Queen of England, then stomped off back to America when she didn’t get her way.

For Lady Colin Campbell — the woman who famously called Princess Diana a “fake victim ” and bullied a talk show host into “coming out ” long before he was ready to do so — the Duchess of Sussex is a combination of both these things. Just listen to the tale she spins :

She played Harry like a piano, hitting the right keys until she got everything she wanted. Very quickly on how Meghan was cutting a swathe through Harry’s social life, she didn’t approve of this, she didn’t approve of that, she is an operator.

And as you can see in the video below, Lady Colin Campbell loves trash-talking the Duchess of Sussex every time a camera lens is trained on her.

Well, Meghan Markle just sounds dreadful, doesn’t she?

There’s just one massive problem with Lady Colin Campbell’s claims.