Steve Harvey had to step in and remove Meghan Markle from the set of *Celebrity Family Feud* after she unexpectedly disrupted the recording….

Steve Harvey had to step in and remove Meghan Markle from the set of *Celebrity Family Feud* after she unexpectedly disrupted the recording. Before her marriage to Prince Harry and her transition to royalty, Meghan Markle was a well-known actress in Hollywood, famous for her role in *Suits*. With her connections in the entertainment industry, she decided to drop by the set of *Family Feud* in early 2017 to support a friend participating in a celebrity episode.

Meghan’s visit was meant to be a brief and cheerful surprise. She arrived with a bouquet of flowers, intending to wish her friend luck. However, her surprise visit quickly turned chaotic. The recording was already in progress when Meghan arrived, and she bypassed set etiquette by barging onto the stage during a live recording.

Host Steve Harvey, known for his quick wit, was momentarily thrown off by Meghan’s unexpected entrance. He paused mid-sentence, staring at Meghan in confusion. The contestants and live audience were also caught off guard. Despite the commotion, Meghan continued to smile and made her way to her friend, completely oblivious to the disruption she was causing.


Crew members quickly tried to guide Meghan away discreetly, but before they could fully intervene, a visibly irritated Steve Harvey took action. He gently but firmly grabbed Meghan’s arm and said, “Ma’am, you need to wait outside. We are in the middle of recording here.” While Harvey’s tone was polite, his message was clear: her uninvited presence was causing disruption. 

Meghan, however, did not take kindly to being escorted away. According to sources, she tried to pull her arm away, insisting, “I’m just here to wish my friend good luck. There’s no need to be rude.” This only further irritated Harvey, who was trying to get the show back on track. He raised his voice slightly, saying, “I understand, ma’am, but you cannot enter the set like this. Please wait in the green room until we’re done.”

The argument escalated quickly, turning a light-hearted game show into a dramatic scene. Realizing the situation was spiraling, a senior producer intervened and politely asked Meghan to leave. Meghan reportedly stood her ground, arguing that she hadn’t done anything wrong. The tension reached a peak when Harvey, exasperated, reportedly threatened, “Either you leave now or I end this game right here.”

Meghan’s frustration grew, and she demanded to know, “How dare you speak to me like this? Do you know who I am?” Harvey responded tersely, saying he didn’t care and just wanted her off the set. The situation became so intense that security personnel were eventually called in to escort Meghan out. Witnesses claimed that Harvey even gestured for security to handle the situation if necessary.

As Meghan was escorted out, she protested, claiming she was being wrongly evicted. The live audience began to realize something was amiss between the host and the unidentified guest. It took about 15 to 20 minutes for the commotion to settle and the set to be cleared. By then, word had spread among the crew about the dramatic incident involving the actress.