When we think of the British royal family, names like Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry often come to mind. However, one member of the family who has gained recognition in their own right for their work is James Middleton, the younger brother of Kate Middleton. While typically kept out of the royal spotlight, James has increasingly become vocal about important issues close to his heart – namely mental health advocacy and animal welfare.

Through candid discussions and utilizing his public platform, James has worked to destigmatize conversations around mental illness. He has been open about his own struggles with depression and the pivotal role that his dog, Ella, played in his recovery. In a recent interview, James shared the story of disappearing for a solo trip to the idyllic Lake District without his phone or means of communication. This caused significant panic among his family, including sister Kate, as they were unaware of his whereabouts. James acknowledged realizing how much distress he had unintentionally caused as they feared the worst.


This memory prompted self-reflection on James’ part. While he felt annoyed at the perceived intrusion on his autonomy, he came to understand the genuine worry his absence created. James was aware that in the past, his family believed he may have “gone away to pass away.” He regretted not recognizing how his mental health issues still caused lingering panic for loved ones. However, James also found the solitude and nature therapy of the trip transformative. It allowed him to rediscover purpose and slowly regain vibrancy in his life.

James’ transparency in recounting this experience helps break down stigmas. It shows that individuals and loved ones affected by mental illness are not alone and recovery is possible. His willingness to be candid encourages open discussion that challenges the notion one must cope in isolation or secrecy. Mental health advocacy has been a driving force for James, and leveraging his platform to normalize these conversations benefits many.



Animals, particularly dogs, have also played a therapeutic and inspirational role for James. He travelled the Lake District accompanied solely by his beloved canines, crediting them as “emotional anchors.” James’ close relationship with Ella helped save his life during dark periods and later inspired the launch of his dog food company, James and Ella.


This bond was further highlighted when a story of a lost dog, Sombra, profoundly impacted James. An owner named Ramon Alberto Perez from Argentina was informed during an Air France layover that Sombra had gone missing from cargo. As someone who frequently travels with dogs, James described this scenario as his “worst nightmare.” He took immediate action by sharing the petition on Instagram, urging followers to sign in support of reuniting Ramon and Sombra.


James’ emotional response revealed the depths of attachment between humans and pets. It also emphasized the risks pet owners fear regarding airline policies. Many worry cargo holds are unsafe and want greater transparency. By promoting the petition, James brought global attention to this incident and broader concerns. His advocacy here aims to prevent similar tragedies and ensure pets are handled with utmost responsibility and care, especially during travel.

For James, the story resonated so deeply not only because of his passion for dogs’ welfare, but also from personal experience relying on canine companions through tough times. His ongoing efforts champion the rights and wellbeing of animals. By leveraging his platform, James raises awareness and encourages positive change.


James continues growing both personally and professionally. He and his wife Eliza recently celebrated the birth of their first child, Enigo, cementing the next chapter of their family. James also finds fulfillment expanding his dog food business and building the brand alongside his son. Witnessing Enigo’s excitement during a promotional trip warmed James’ heart and reminded him of building the company’s success from the ground up.


As International Dog Day approaches, James Middleton’s advocacy is a reminder of both dogs’ special roles in our lives and the responsibilities we have towards their happiness and safety. His transparency discussing mental health, authentic love for animals, and dedication to important causes, make him a voice championing important issues for both people and pets. With consistent use of his public profile, James Middleton continues empowering positive change.