Felicity Tonan, Princess Anne’s stepdaughter, was born after Mark Phillips, her then-husband, had an affair with a New Zealand art teacher in the 1980s during her visit to Iman Barracks in Gloucestershire.

Princess Anne, the beloved younger sister of King Charles, has been busy this week interacting with Gurkha personnel and their families.

Promoted ContentThe 73-year-old Princess Royal is frequently praised for being the firm’s hardest worker. She wed former Royal Navy officer Sir Tim Lawrence in 1992, but her two children, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, are from her first marriage to Olympic gold medal-winning equestrian Mark Phillips.

Anne and Mark tied the knot in 1973 after a 5-year courtship, but they decided to separate in 1989 due to difficulties in their relationship. Reports indicate Anne had no intention of getting a divorce at first, but in 1991 it was revealed that Mark had a child with New Zealand art teacher Heather Tonan, who had a brief affair with him in 1984. She gave birth to Felicity Tonan in 1985. According to the *Express*, her identity was kept a secret for 6 years, but when the truth emerged, it sparked one of the most significant royal scandals ever.

Anne and Mark are said to have formed a friendship after meeting for the first time at a riding clinic in Auckland. When he came back a year later, he allegedly had an affair and left his riding boots outside the door of his hotel room so that Heather could find him. However, Heather went public in 1991 after DNA tests revealed that Felicity was Anne’s husband’s daughter.

According to recent reports, Felicity has never met her stepbrothers, Zara and Peter. This week, Princess Anne spent time at Iman Barracks in Gloucestershire, where she met Gurkha soldiers and their families. The Princess Royal is the younger sister of King Charles and is frequently regarded as the firm’s most diligent employee.

She married former Royal Navy officer Sir Tim Lawrence in 1992, and they are currently together. However, her first marriage to Olympic gold medalist equestrian Mark Phillips produced her two children, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall. After a 5-year courtship, Anne and Phillips got married in 1973, but they split up in 1989.

Despite the strain on their relationship, Anne had no intention of divorcing. However, in 1991, it became clear that Phillips was the father of a child with Heather Tonan, who had a brief encounter with Phillips in 1984 and gave birth to Felicity Tonan in 1985. According to the *Scottish  Daily Express*, she kept her identity a secret for 6 years, but when the truth emerged, it sparked one of the most significant royal scandals ever.

They became friends after meeting at a riding clinic in Auckland. When he came back a year later, Tonan was able to find him because he had apparently left his riding boots outside the door of his hotel room. According to reports, Phillips initially offered an abortion and continued to make monthly payments for the upkeep of the child. Tonan, on the other hand, went public in 1991 after DNA tests revealed that Felicity was Anne’s husband’s daughter.

According to the most recent reports, Felicity has never met her stepbrothers, Zara and Peter. Their relationship with Stephanie Phillips, their half-sister from their father’s second marriage to Sandy Pfluger, is said to be good.

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