It is not necessary to remember that Henry Cavill He is passionate about all kinds of fantasy universes.

The actor is immersed in the production of a Warhammer 40,000 series for Amazon and has played Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher for Netflix. However, he still has an outstanding debt with Brandon Sanderson.

“I really wanted to”: Henry Cavill desperately called Brandon Sanderson to play a protagonist in the Cosmere

The author of the Cosmere has given shape to a multitude of books located on different planets and the truth is that Cavill has asked him if he could play a character from a franchise you love. Sanderson himself revealed it during one of his last live shows on his YouTube channel, when asked about who he wants to play Kaladin or Kelsier in a possible audiovisual adaptation.

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I would like to see different people doing the tests. I think a lot of people could play those roles well. I felt bad when Henry Cavill called me and said, ‘I’m too old for Kaladin, right?’ and I said, ‘Yes,’ and he’s Asian too… and he said, ‘And Kelsier? Could he be in The Storm Archive?’ I said, ‘Well, I’m sure we can find something,’ but he really wanted to be Kaladin.

He read the books and knew it just wouldn’t work. It was heartbreaking when he called me and said, ‘I can’t be Kaladin, can I?’ and I said, ‘No, I don’t think you can be Kaladin, no.’ But he’s fine because he then opted for Warhammer 40,000 and he’s doing that. I think he’s perfect for that job and I’m sure I’ll work with Henry on something at some point. He’s a cool guy, a nerd, and he does cool things.

As Sanderson rightly comments, the problem of interpreting one of the great protagonists of The Storm Archive lies in the ethnic difference and age. While Kaladin is Asian and Cavill is Caucasian, the character is 22 years old and the performer is already 40 years old, so the inequality is too noticeable to hide.

On the other hand, the charismatic Kelsier seems a more viable option, since the allomancer is 38 years old in the trilogy of Mistborn. In any case, it is still not clear what will happen with the production of the film about the trilogy, so we have to wait until we know a definitive cast, although Sanderson assures that he has Cavill in mind for any project.

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