Has David Beckham’s appointment as ambassador to the King’s Foundation smoothed his path to a knighthood?

He was furious when he wasn’t gonged in 2013, raging in an email – which he claims was faked – about the bunch of ‘c****’ who run the honours system.

He took exception to singer Katherine Jenkins getting an honour, asking: ‘Katherine Jenkins OBE for what?

Singing at the rugby and going to see the troops. F****** joke.’ All forgotten now?

Motherland’s Anna Maxwell Martin, pictured, insists she has never been stung by cruel reviews suggesting she isn’t the prettiest actress in the firmament.

‘I feel really lucky I got so many brilliant, interesting parts that had nothing to do with the way I looked,’ says Anna.

‘I’m not putting myself down. I’ve got very high self-esteem, but I didn’t have to compete with Sienna Miller. I don’t want to look like a bag of s****.’

Keith Moon’s penchant for throwing TV sets from high-rise hotel windows is recalled by former Melody Maker scribe Chris Charlesworth, who remembers The Who drummer addressing the night porter: ‘I don’t know how I can possibly apologise for that terrible accident.

I was trying to move the television closer to the window, so that more of my guests could watch it from the bed, when it slipped from my grasp.’

Amid further apologies he added: ‘If you’re coming back, would you be so kind as to bring two more bottles of chilled champagne… and another TV?’
There has been much speculation about whether David Beckham’s new role as ambassador for the King’s Foundation has paved the way for a potential knighthood. Despite his past outburst in 2013, where he expressed his frustration with the honours system, calling the decision-makers unsavory names, it seems that time has healed old wounds. His comments about singer Katherine Jenkins receiving an OBE for what he deemed as trivial reasons are now a thing of the past.Moving on to a more positive note, Anna Maxwell Martin of Motherland fame has never let harsh critiques about her appearance affect her self-worth. She is grateful for the diverse and fulfilling roles she has been able to portray, which were not based on her looks. Unlike some actresses who feel the pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty, Anna remains confident in her abilities without comparing herself to others like Sienna Miller.On a lighter note, the antics of legendary drummer Keith Moon, known for his wild behavior, are still remembered fondly by those who knew him. Former Melody Maker writer Chris Charlesworth recalls a humorous incident where Keith attempted to move a TV closer to a window in a high-rise hotel, only to accidentally drop it out the window. Despite the mishap, Keith managed to charm the night porter with his apologies and requests for more champagne and another TV.Stay tuned for more fascinating stories and updates from us, as we strive to provide you with valuable and engaging content. Thank you for your continuous support!