He has a life of celebrity and wealth that few of us can dream of.

But David Beckham has revealed that there is an unfortunate downside to fame for him – he only has three friends.

The footballer said that over the years his circle of ‘20 good friends’ has gradually decreased to a trio of ‘really good friends’.

These three along with his wife Victoria and their four children are enough to keep him content, Mr Beckham said in an interview.

He did not disclose if he chose to limit his number of friends, or if he has been gradually abandoned over the years.

The 36-year-old also did not specify who the three were, although he is known to be on very good terms with Tom Cruise who lives close to him in Los Angeles.

Former Manchester United team mate Gary Neville was his best man at his wedding and he is chummy with Princes William and Harry.

Speaking to the U.S. edition of Men’s Health magazine, Mr Beckham said: ‘I’ve got friends at the different teams I’ve played for, but family is the most important thing to me.

‘That will always be the case. I’ve got my wife. I’ve got my four kids. I’ve got parents, grandparents still, and three really good friends.

‘It’s all you need. I’d rather have three really good friends than 20 good friends.’

Should he so desire, Mr Beckham could have far more than his chosen trio of close associates.

He is adored by millions of fans worldwide who recently drooled over him in his underwear for an advertising campaign for H&M.

He is still respected in the footballing world – he holds the record for the most number of outfield appearances for the England team and has won the Premier League six times.

Now playing in the U.S. for the Los Angeles Galaxy, he helped them win last year’s tournament.

He and wife Victoria, 37, are said to be worth £125million.

Despite limiting his friends, Mr Beckham said in the interview that he still enjoys playing football as much as ever.

He told Men’s Health: ‘Even at 36, I’m still running 12 miles a game.

‘But I’ve definitely become more aware on the field. I know what my limits are, what I can achieve, and which passes I can play. I have adapted to my age.’
David Beckham, a name synonymous with fame and fortune, has recently opened up about the downside of his celebrity status – having only three close friends. Despite once boasting a circle of ’20 good friends’, the football legend now treasures the company of a select trio, in addition to his wife Victoria and their four children.While Beckham did not delve into the reasons behind this dwindling social circle, he expressed contentment with his inner circle in a recent interview. His emphasis on family as the cornerstone of his happiness is evident, with his wife, children, and three close friends holding paramount importance in his life.The identity of these three confidants remains undisclosed, although speculations point towards his close relationship with Hollywood star Tom Cruise and former teammate Gary Neville. Additionally, Beckham’s camaraderie with Princes William and Harry further highlights the quality of friendships over quantity for the sports icon.Despite the allure of adulation from millions of fans worldwide and a successful career in football, Beckham’s focus on his intimate relationships underscores his values. With a net worth of £125 million and a glittering sports career, he remains grounded in the importance of genuine connections over superficial popularity.His passion for football remains unwavering, with Beckham still displaying impressive stamina on the field at 36. Reflecting on his age, he notes a heightened awareness of his capabilities and strategic gameplay, showcasing adaptability and maturity in his approach.As we continue to explore the facets of celebrity life and the nuances of personal relationships, Beckham’s story serves as a reminder of the significance of true companionship amidst the trappings of fame. Stay tuned for more insightful content and updates to enrich your knowledge and perspective.