Steal his Styles! Two-year-old turns into an overnight social media star with Instagram account dedicated to lookalike photos of himself and One Direction heartthrob Harry

 A two-year-old has turned into a social media star after posting a series of lookalike images in which he copies the style and pose of One Direction singer Harry Styles. 

Michael Rangamiz, already boasts a 57,000-strong following on his one-month-old Instagram account, which is devoted to shots of him mirroring images of 22-year-old lothario Harry.

The toddler, who is half Russian and half Iranian, appears to have perfected all of Harry’s mannerisms, from his brooding pout to his cheeky smile, all of which make several appearances on the account, which is run by Michael’s mother. 

Doppleganger: Two-year-old Michael Rangamiz (right) is the star of a new Instagram account, which sees him mimicking singer Harry Styles

Spot the difference: When Michael’s mother realized how much they look alike she decided to share him with the world on Instagram 

The youngster has only been posting photographs of himself looking like One Direction hearthrob since May but he is garnering a huge following with fans from around the world drawn in by his adorable looks and all-round confidence. 

His mother says she takes her inspiration from pictures of Harry and then styles Michael to look like him – his shoulder length brown hair enabling his mom to style it just like Harry’s. 

She posts a series of photos of him wearing clothing similar to the superstar each week, captioning the images with anecdotes like: ‘Michael has a new hair cut. 

‘Just a little bit cause his hair need some rest after cold winter and 6 months of wearing hats. I use natural products for his hair so hope in two months to see him with long hair again.  

He's got the style of Styles: Wearing aviators and a leather jacket, Michael is the spitting image of 22-year-old Harry

His other half: Michael looks just like Harry with his brown shoes and long hair mirroring an image in which Harry is seen stepping out of a club

‘Time to wear headbands. [sic]’ 

Michael’s mother searches through the latest Harry snaps to get inspiration for the ‘twin’ photoshoots.

The kid manages to pull it off with style from the clothes that he wears, his gorgeous smile to his hair, wrapped in a bun.

The skinny jeans, aviator sunglasses and leather jackets make him look like the perfect mini-me of the One Direction frontman.

Seasonal look: Michael is nearly three and his mother says she is excited for the summer when Harry will be wearing more headbands and other cool outfits

Two, going on 22: Michael could be One Direction’s youngest lookalike

Two, going on 22: Michael could be One Direction’s youngest lookalike

Michael’s picture-perfect poses certainly seem to be winning over his followers, with every single one of his images receiving thousands of likes, and hundreds of positive comments.  

Most gush over how handsome Michael looks all dressed up. ‘Why are you so cute?’ asked one Instagram user. 

‘Your son is adorable and you have a great sense of fashion,’ commented one follower. 

Another who enjoyed the comparison between the pair said that the little boy was better looking that the pop singer: ‘Your son is more beautiful than this guy!’