A brand new book by Tom Quinn claims to lift the lid on what a whole host of royals, including Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, are like behind closed doors – as told by those who work for them
A brand new royal book has hit shelves that claims to expose what the Firm is really like behind closed doors – as told by those who work at the palace.
Yes Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants by Tom Quinn recounts the memories of staff working inside the royal bubble – and claims to lift the lid on a whole host of royals, including the Prince and Princess of Wales as well as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle before they sensationally quit royal life.
From Meghan’s apparent difficulty understanding how the palace machine worked to Queen Camilla’s alleged moans about protocol, The Mirror takes a look at some of the book’s biggest claims…
Meghan’s hug ‘outrage’
When it comes to Meghan trying to navigate life in the Royal Family, the book examines the hurdles she faced. And it claims that her “warm, friendly hug-everyone approach” caused tension to develop between William and Harry, with problems arising “fairly early on”.
The book contains claims about Meghan’s love of hugging (
Getty Images)
Quinn claims Kate, William and Charles “tended to flinch when she moved in for a hug”, as they weren’t used to so much affection between royals. He says California native Meghan was “understandably hurt”. He also says that Meghan also left courtiers ‘outraged’ with her affection. He added: “The courtiers were almost as outraged when Meghan tried to hug a singularly stiff Old Etonian equerry. He flinched as if she’d tried to poke him in the eye, as one staffer put it.
‘Goody two-shoes’
In another part of the book, Meghan’s approach to royal life is compared to that of her sister-in-law, Kate. Quinn quotes a palace insider as saying that Kate “doesn’t jump in straight away” and that she “bides her time” as she is “very intelligent and intuitive”.
Meghan with sister-in-law Kate
But another former Kensington Palace staffer claims that Meghan thought Kate was “just too eager to please, too much a goody-two-shoes girl.” They added that many at the palace did like Meghan’s feisty nature while others felt her making changes was “not an acceptable role for a complete outsider”.
Wild perception
The new book also says that Meghan’s American upbringing sheltered her from the realities of British royal life. Quinn writes that when Meghan discovered that Harry was only worth about £20million, she “quickly realised” that she needed to “reassess other assumptions she’d made about this strange new family”.
As one royal staff member put it, “She expected a billionaire and she got a millionaire.” A member of her former team is also quoted as saying that the actress “really disliked the hierarchy”. Giving an example of senior royals getting jealous of each other’s materialistic goods, the ex-staff member said: “Meghan thought they behaved like babies.”
Camilla’s request
As another newcomer when she married into the Royal Family almost 20 years ago, the book claims that Queen Camilla also found adapting to royal life tough. And ahead of her wedding to King Charles in April 2005, Quinn claims that Camilla asked her soon-to-be-husband: “Can’t we get away from all this protocol? “It’s all bo****ks.” Charles, who is said to hate swearing, allegedly replied: “You’re doing it [becoming queen] for me, darling.”
Queen Camilla with husband King Charles (
Meghan’s nickname
The royals are known for their love of nicknames, and one that Meghan allegedly earned is detailed in the book. According to Quinn, “her nickname for a while was the Duchess of Difficult, but she had other, friendlier nicknames, including Mystic Meg, while came about because she was so new agey, so woke, about so many things”.
It was previously revealed that Charles had his own nickname for Meghan during her time as a working royal, with the King recognising her resilience. He affectionately called her Tungten, due to her being ‘tough and unbending’, it was claimed. Tungsten refers to a metal in the periodic table, which is known for its high melting point and core strength.
Part-time Diana
Meanwhile, members of staff for Meghan and Harry reportedly revealed to the author that Princess Diana was a big inspiration for Meghan when she entered royal life and that Meghan said she wanted to “finish” what her late mother-in-law “started”. They also noted that the Duchess of Sussex really would have preferred to undertake their royal duties only on a part-time basis – something that both Harry and Meghan have said themselves.
“Meghan once said, ‘What Diana started I want to finish,’ and we took that to mean she wanted to become a sort of globetrotting champion of the poor and the marginalised,” the insider claimed.
Meanwhile, life was completely different for William and Kate growing up. While Kate experienced all of the normalities of an ordinary family, William grew up in the spotlight and his family dynamic was broken following his parents’ split and his mother’s tragic death. Quinn writes about William’s “needier side” in the book and reveals a heartbreaking admission a former maid allegedly made about his childhood.
The staffer claimed Kate had to explain many of the things parents do outside of the Royal Family and even showed William how to “give the children a piggyback”. They said: “William said very quietly, ‘My father never gave me a piggyback’.”
Yes Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants by Tom Quinn is published today.