BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty was left red-faced as she was forced to apologise to her co-star after she was ‘called out’ on the show by her colleague Charlie Stayt
BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty found herself a tad embarrassed on Friday’s programme. The blunder occurred after a live update from Australia about the perilous winds and floods, which led to a weather handover with Sarah Dorothy Keith-Lucas.
Naga reassured viewers: “Thankfully, nothing quite as traumatic here.” But she was taken aback by the sunny backdrop featuring palm tree silhouettes behind Sarah, exclaiming: “Wow! What a contrast, Sarah.”
Curious if the image was from the previous day, given the less-than-stellar weather at their Salford studio, Naga was astonished when Sarah clarified: “It’s not this morning in Salford, but it is this morning. It looks like this in some parts of the country.”
Charlie was quick to joke with Naga on BBC Breakfast (
(Image: BBC))
Naga couldn’t hide her surprise, questioning: “Really?! We have palm trees here?!” Sarah confirmed that indeed we do, pinpointing Essex as the location of the photo. Post-forecast, Naga swiftly offered an apology, saying: ” I apologise if you heard some sniggering during your forecast. Someone (Charlie) was laughing at me for not knowing that we have numerous, thousands, of palm trees here in the UK. I didn’t know!”
Sarah responded: “Yeah there we go, you have to go and visit some palm tree places I think.”, reports the Express. Grateful, Naga thanked Sarah and vowed to visit spots across the UK with exotic-looking trees to broaden her horizons.
Charlie Stayt seized the opportunity for a cheeky jibe at Naga, quipping to the audience: “If you’ve seen a palm tree, send us a picture. Extraordinary, extraordinary thing.”
The weather presenter Sarah had an image of palm trees during her broadcast (
(Image: BBC))
Naga played along, prompting viewers to share their photos and glanced at Charlie with a grin on her face, catching on to his light-hearted teasing.
She gave him a sharp look while Charlie chuckled to himself, promptly shifting gears to their upcoming segment. Yet Naga’s palm tree banter did catch the eyes of those tuning in from home
Comments from the public started popping up, with one viewer writing: “We have palm trees in the garden naga [sic]”.
Someone else tweeted a scenic photo as proof, captioning it: “Palm trees in the north west Scotland village of Plockton taken on 19 January in 9 degree sunshine.”