“We have to keep going on this path, because I don’t know what will happen in about two years? And then after the 2026 World Cup, what will happen?”,

David Beckham expressed in a recent exclusive interview on CNBC (USA).

That is also the time when Messi’s contract with Inter Miami will expire at the end of December 2025, according to the confirmation of the MLS.

“Messi has revolutionized MLS. It’s a real gold rush. Not just Inter Miami, all the clubs in America have benefited from having Messi.

Every away game, against any team, at any stadium, no matter how big the capacity, they’re all packed. Ticket prices have gone through the roof, everything has gone up.

Obviously, we’ve benefited a lot from all the effects Messi has brought. I like the fact that it’s good for all the clubs.

It’s nice to see clubs making more money from the games, and of course for us,” David Beckham stressed.

However, Inter Miami’s owner has expressed concern. “In two years, if we don’t prepare now to take advantage of what we have to continue to develop the tournament, especially in the post-Messi era, everything can easily return to the way it was before. This is the time for MLS clubs to bring in more top stars, quality and attractive players to take the tournament further, not just rely on Messi like now”, David Beckham shared.

Messi still has a contract with Inter Miami until the end of December 2025 with an option to extend the following year, according to journalist Fabrizio Romano – a transfer information expert. However, the Argentine star is the one who decides whether to activate the extension clause or not.

These will depend on Messi’s upcoming competition schedule, including the success or failure of the upcoming Copa America and the possibility of participating in the 2026 World Cup or not. There is even a possibility that the famous player, who will turn 37 next June, will consider retiring if he no longer has the inspiration and contribution to his teammates.

“Messi also has another and surprising option, which is to return to his old club Newell’s Old Boys to play in his home country of Argentina, before retiring,” said AS (Spain).

“What is certain is that there will never be anyone like Messi again. David Beckham himself fully understands that Messi’s appeal to American football today is even greater than when he played for LA Galaxy. Therefore, once this fever passes and there is no one else with enough appeal to attract audiences to the stadium, American football will very easily return to the gloomy period before,” AS assessed.

“Therefore, it is no coincidence that MLS clubs have seen the problem from David Beckham’s warning. They are looking to recruit big-name players to join from this summer. That is Olivier Giroud (signed with Los Angeles FC), soon to be Marco Reus (from Borussia Dortmund) and Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid). Even the prospect from the beginning of 2025, MLS may also welcome Kevin De Bruyne from Man City, Sergio Ramos from Sevilla or Nacho and Luka Modric from Real Madrid, players who have expressed their intention to go to the US to play for the final stage of their careers instead of choosing the tournament in Saudi Arabia”, AS predicted.