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David Beckham (48 years old) is one of the football legends who is still famous after retiring.

The beauty and fashion style of this former famous player is a “monument” that will last over time, leaving a deep impression in the hearts of fans.

Even though he has left the field, the appeal of this former striker has never diminished.

Much of it is due to this British star’s stylish appearance with a balanced, toned body and always radiating abundant, positive energy.

Recently, Beckham continued to attract attention when sharing a clip advertising eyeglasses bearing his name on Instagram.

The short clip shows that Beckham is full of masculinity while wearing stylish glasses.

In particular, the former famous player stunned by jumping into the swimming pool, unbuttoning his shirt to show off his firm, masculine and seductive chest.

This clip quickly received support and received a “rain” of compliments from online users.

Some comments from the online community: “Beckham is like wine, the longer it is brewed, the more intoxicating it becomes”;

“He is so perfect, flawlessly beautiful”; “Everything related to Beckham is glowing and perfect”;…

At the age of U50, Beckham still comfortably films movies showing off his muscular body, which is something not all young men can do.

To achieve this, David Beckham had to practice a lot and follow a scientific diet for a long time.

For him, having a youthful, supple appearance is not difficult, it’s just a matter of whether people have perseverance and persistence or not.

Beckham said: “There are no tips or tricks that can help you stay healthy and youthful for a long time. Instead, you need to learn to persevere.

As a player, I understand that I need to Stay healthy, eat and drink the right things.

I also want my children to see their father always healthy and eating scientifically. For me, parents need to set an example for their children to follow.”

According to the 48-year-old former player, to have a balanced physique and good health, you need to balance eating and exercising.

The former England international revealed that he eats four meals a day, an omelet and cheese breakfast, a morning snack, lunch and dinner.

In addition, Beckham also lists the must-eat and taboo dishes that he applies every day.

Chicken, fish, eggs, salad, vegetables, cauliflower, beans, yogurt, olive oil and nuts are on Beckham’s list of foods he can eat.

On the contrary, he will minimize the intake of white bread, cereals, processed foods, junk food and greasy foods. These foods can easily cause weight gain and fat accumulation.

To ensure the body’s metabolism is at an appropriate level, a certain amount of fat must be consumed.

And of course, this once male god of the football field also maintains regular training. He often posts pictures in the gym to maintain his current toned muscles.