The Kardashians are related to Scottish royalty through their mother, Kris Jenner, and can potentially claim royal status.
 Despite their royal heritage, Kim Kardashian doesn’t seem to be interested in living a royal lifestyle, as she is focused on her successful businesses.
 Rumors of Kim dating royalty have surfaced, but it’s unlikely to be true, considering her busy career and the lack of evidence supporting the claims.

Due to their many successful reality TV shows, most notably Keeping Up With The Kardashians and The Kardashians, the Kar-Jenners have often been referred to as reality TV royalty.

However, some new information has come to light that could mean that the Kardashians are much more royal than previously thought. It has recently been revealed that the family is related to royalty, which means that they aren’t just royal by TV standards, but they are also royal by blood.

Despite this, given that members of the Royal Family are born into it, they haven’t had to work hard to get to the top, because they were already there. Given that Kim Kardashian has done just that, does being royal by blood actually mean anything to her?

Kim Kardashian Is Descended From Scottish Royalty

It turns out the Kardashian siblings and Kendall and Kylie have direct links to Scottish royalty from their mother, Kris Jenner. It’s believed that they were already somewhat aware of their links to Scotland, given that Kourtney Kardashian‘s daughter Penelope has ‘Scotland’ as a middle name.

The Kardashians in the 2019 Met GalaVia: Instar

However, what’s not known is whether the family knew about their links to Scottish royalty. This was uncovered by Scottish journalist Craig Williams, who was aware of the family’s links to Scotland, so decided to do a bit of digging in regard to their Scottish heritage.

What Craig ended up uncovering was something that he, and likely no one else, ever expected would be uncovered. He was able to find out that despite it being quite a distant relation, the Kardashians are related to Scottish royalty.

What was discovered was that they are related to a man called Robert Roy MacGregor, who was involved in the Jacobite rising, which was done as a way to resort James VII to the throne in Scotland.

Kim and her siblings have this link to Robert via their great-great-great-grandmother, Margaret Elizabeth Magee, who has an even more distantly related grandfather called Thomas MacGee, who was a relative of Robert.

It is through all these people that the Kar-Jenners get their link to Scottish royalty. Robert is believed to be related to the first King of Scotland, Kenneth MacAlpin, and because he is related to Robert, that means the Kardashians are related to him.

Could Kim Kardashian Ever Benefit From Her Heritage?

Given that she is related to royalty, another big question given this news is whether Kim and the rest of the Kardashians will ever be able to benefit from their royal heritage.


Well, it turns out that she potentially could. It is believed that given that she is related to Scottish royalty, there is the potential for Kim, or anyone else in the family, to claim royal status. It could also mean that, despite it being quite a far-off chance, she could one day be on the throne herself.

Kim seems to have an obsession with the Royal Family, with many claiming that they were laughing at her after she brought Princess Diana’s amethyst cross necklace. This comes a few years after Kim brought some of Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry, so it seems that she is trying to build up a collection of famous icons’ jewelry.

However, given her links to Scottish royalty, it would be thought that Kim might be able to get into royal events. During Queen Elizabeth’s royal jubilee celebrations in 2022, Kim was snubbed an invite to the celebrations, so it appears that just because you’re related to royalty, doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed an invitation to these celebrations.

Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Need To Be Royalty

Kim Kardashian going for a walkvia Instar

Of course, where having a link to the Royal Family might be really exciting to some people, it appears that Kim doesn’t need this link. With a net worth of $1.2 billion and other members of her family having net worths in the millions, it’s not like they’d need the money.

Plus, Kim is a businesswoman. She has her game, SKIMS, and KKW Beauty, just to name a few of her successful businesses. So, whilst she’s busy running her many businesses and looking after her children, it’s unlikely that she would have much time to live the royal lifestyle.


However, this could be put into question given one story from 2022 that was ‘leaked’. A ‘source’, who many believed to be Kris Jenner, told the press that Kim is getting offers of dates from a variety of people, including A-list actors, athletes, billionaire CEOs, and… royalty!

Obviously, this is just a rumor, and it isn’t known whether there is actually any truth in the reports or not. However, members of the Royal Family are known for marrying within their inner circle, particularly since before the last century, so given that it’s now known that Kim is related to royalty, this could be a possibility.

Kim Kardashianvia Instar

But given that these reports were made in October 2022 and nothing else has come to light since then, it’s unlikely that these rumors are true. Plus, as has been already mentioned, she is a proud and busy businesswoman and is unlikely to want to give all of that up for royal life anytime soon.