Loose Women panelist Carol McGiffin grilled First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday’s show after she was caught not following her own face mask rules recently

Carol McGiffin did not hold back on Wednesday as Loose Women invited Nicola Sturgeon onto the ITV show.

The 62-year-old was clearly keen to grill the First Minister of Scotland about the time she was caught not wearing a face mask.

A video posted on social media showed Ms Sturgeon not wearing a mask during a local election campaign visit to a barber’s in East Kilbride on Saturday.

At the start of her interview, the MP addressed it straight away by saying: “As you all know, I’ve had my own lapse in the last couple of days with a momentary failure to put on a face covering so I know how difficult these things can be…”

Carol McGiffin did not hold back on Wednesday as Loose Women invited Nicola Sturgeon onto the ITV show
Carol McGiffin did not hold back on Wednesday as Loose Women invited Nicola Sturgeon onto the ITV show 

Referring to Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s apology in Parliament on Tuesday, Ms Sturgeon continued: “With Boris it’s the serial breaches at a time when the rest of the country was in very, very strict lockdown.

“But it’s also, to be blunt about it, when this first came to light he wasn’t honest about it and he wasn’t honest in the House of Commons. It’s really important that people can trust the Prime Minister of the country to tell the truth. There’s got to be consequences for your actions.”

Carol was keen to grill the First Minister of Scotland after she broke her own face mask rules recently
Carol was keen to grill the First Minister of Scotland after she broke her own face mask rules recently 
Fellow panelists Christine Lampard, Judi Love and Gloria Hunniford stayed silent as Carol said: “But what’s the difference between your misdemeanour or breaking your rules and your laws than Boris breaking his rules and his laws?

“And he has actually stood up in Parliament and made a big apology, I mean, you’ve made an apology, sort of, and you’re claiming it was a mistake,” Carol added.

Ms Sturgeon quickly fired back: “It’s not sort of… I’m sorry. See, I think it’s a fair question Carol to ask what’s the difference,” before going on to explain what had happened.

The Scottish MP ended up telling Carol 'we're gonna have to agree to disagree'
The Scottish MP ended up telling Carol ‘we’re gonna have to agree to disagree’ 
“Let me be clear, I think it is right that I get a harder time for that than the average person. But is that the same as having, I think, six parties at the strictest part of lockdown and then not telling the truth to Parliament?

“Now people can make their own judgement about that, I don’t think these things are equivalent,” she then said.

Not backing down, Carol asked: “But are you going to offer your resignation? Because you were really firm on Boris resigning over this.”

Fellow panelists Christine Lampard, Judi Love and Gloria Hunniford stayed silent as Carol grilled the MP
Fellow panelists Christine Lampard, Judi Love and Gloria Hunniford stayed silent as Carol grilled the MP 
ITV)“I made a momentary lapse and I’m sorry for that,” Ms Sturgeon said, before adding: “I suspect you and I are gonna have to agree to disagree on a lot of the right and wrongs of what we did in response to the pandemic…”

“Probably,” Carol replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at the Scottish MP.

Viewers tuning in at home didn’t necessarily agree with Carol, and took to Twitter to comment.

One person posted: “Carol saying Nicola forgetting her mask for a few seconds and Boris having parties at the height of the pandemic are as bad as the other, god she needs a reality check #LooseWomen.”