Selena Gomez has finally addressed the persistent rumors surrounding her alleged pregnancy, putting an end to the speculation. The singer and actress took to social media to break her silence and set the record straight. Gomez stated that she understands the curiosity of her fans and the media but wanted to clarify that she is not pregnant and urged people to stop spreading false information.

The pregnancy rumors began circulating after Gomez was photographed with what appeared to be a slightly rounded stomach. However, she explained that the weight gain was due to changes in her body and has nothing to do with being pregnant.

Gomez emphasized the importance of body positivity and embracing one’s natural shape.

Furthermore, she expressed her frustration at the constant scrutiny and invasion of her privacy, stating that false news can have a detrimental effect on mental health. Gomez highlighted the need for responsible journalism and encouraged people to verify information before believing and sharing it.

The singer also took the opportunity to address the sexist double standards in the entertainment industry. She condemned the focus on her appearance and personal life rather than her achievements and talent. Gomez emphasized the importance of highlighting women’s successes and contributions rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

In conclusion, Selena Gomez has spoken up about the pregnancy rumors, affirming that she is not expecting a child and calling for an end to the spread of false information. She also emphasized the need for body positivity, responsible journalism, and the need to focus on women’s achievements rather than superficial aspects.