Venus Williams Says Her Greatest Victory Was Off the Court
In the mid-2000s she was instrumental in convincing the governing bodies of Wimbledon and the French Open to award men and women equal prize money This month…

Cicadas Are Coming: Rare ‘Dual Emergence’ Could Bring One Trillion of the Bugs This Year
The 13-year and 17-year broods that will emerge from underground this spring will be appearing together for the first time in 221 years. This spring, Brood XIII…

One of the Biggest Air Battles in History – the Battle Of Britain in 38 Great Images
It may be almost impossible to imagine today, but not long before the Nazi campaign against Britain got underway, Hitler mused that England might capitulate to Germany…

The Story of the Tragic K:i l l i n g of Serena and Venus Williams’ Oldest Sister: ‘There Was B:l o o d Everywhere’
Yetunde Price was murdered on Sept. 14, 2003, in Compton Photo: SGranitz/WireImage The gunfire that killed Yetunde Price early on Sept. 14, 2003, seemed to come from…

The moon could be perfect for cutting-edge telescopes — but not if we don’t protect it
“We are entering a new era of science investigations from our nearest neighbor in space.” Illustration of a radio telescope inside a crater on the moon’s surface. (Image…

The Battle of the Bulge Was the Germans’ Last Major Offensive Against the Allies in Western Europe
The Battle of the Bulge – also known as the Ardennes Offensive – was Germany’s last-ditch attempt at mounting a full-scale attack on the Western Front. The…

‘She’s the Toughest Player I Ever Played in My Life:’ Serena Williams on Defeating Her Sister Venus at the U.S. Open
Serena Williams has competed against Venus Williams dozens of times, but she says she never looks forward to meeting her sister in a match Photo: Matthew Stockman/Getty…

Quantum Teleportation Enters the Real World
Two separate teams of scientists have taken quantum teleportation from the lab into the real world. Researchers working in Calgary, Canada and Hefei, China, used existing fiber…

Schwerer Gustav: Largest Gun Mankind Has Ever Built
Schwerer Gustav or Hitler’s giant gun was a fearsome weapon of war. A distinctive feature of artillery of the Second World War were cannons of every increasing…

“After the medical break, I was thinking she was a good actress” – When Venus Williams was accused of feigning injury by Elena Dementieva
Venus Williams lost to Elena Dementieva in the 2004 Nasdaq-100 QF Venus Williams was at the receiving end of many a tirade during the early years of…