The Enigma Revealed: One Direction’s Joyous Reunion
In 2015, the world bid farewell to the beloved boy band, One Direction, as they announced a temporary hiatus. However, they left behind a glimmer of hope,…
Three One Direction Members ‘Reunite To Record New Music’ 7 Years After Hiatus
One Direction’s Niall, Louis and Liam had a mini-reunion to record new music. Picture: Alamy One Direction has reportedly got back in the studio together seven years…
The 30 best Beatles songs that weren’t No. 1 hits in the U.S.
The Beatles are, well, what can we really say that isn’t obvious? They are probably the biggest band ever. The Fab Four remain icons of music. Throughout their…
The Beatles’ Final Bow: A Posthumous Collaboration in ‘Now and Then’
The Beatles release ‘Now and Then’, a posthumous collaboration featuring John Lennon. The song, created with advanced AI technology, highlights themes of perseverance, love, and friendship, serving…
Paul McCartney reunited with stolen guitar ‘that kicked off Beatlemania’ after 50 years
Paul McCartney’s legendary lost guitar will gently weep no more as it was reunited with its owner more than 50 years after it was stolen.McCartney played the distinctive Höfner…
Lauri Törni: The Only SS Member to Be Buried At Arlington National Cemetery
Photo Credit: Anonymous / Kallonen / Sarjanen Leijonamieli 1919 – 1949 / Wikimedia Commons / Public DomainFinland was in a strange place during the Second World War. At…
Böhmerland Motorcycles Were Used in WW2
Böhmerland, known locally as Čechie, was a prominent motorcycle manufacturer in Czechoslovakia from 1924 until the outbreak of World War II. The brand was renowned for its…
LARC-LX 100 Tons of Cargo or 200 Passengers
The LARC-LX (Lighter, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo, 60 ton), initially known as BARC (Barge, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo), is an amphibious cargo vehicle with a welded steel hull.It was…
The Movies That Made Kirk Douglas One of the War Genre’s Best
Photo Credit: MoviePics1001 / United Artists / MovieStillsDBKirk Douglas was a Hollywood legend, with many of his movies about war and military-related topics. He began his career…
Brigadier General Charles Elwood (“Chuck”) Yeager, United States Air Force
Brigadier General Charles E. Yeager, United States Air Force Brigadier General Charles Elwood Yeager, United States Air Force, was born at Myra, Lincoln County, West Virginia, 13…