The V-2 rocket: One of Führer’s d e a d l i e s t weapons

In 1936, the RAF targeted military sites, airfields, warships and ammo depots, but they were also responsible for distributing propaganda by dropping leaflets onto cities and towns….

After Germany’s defeat in the First World War, thousands of captured German spiked helmets were displayed on giant pyramids outside Grand Central Station in New York

Images of German soldiers wearing their spiked helmets in the trenches are some of the most recognisable of the First World War.   The famous ‘pickelhaube’ helmets were…

Remembering Valor: Troops of the 4th Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment March to the Trenches, June 1916

In June 1916, amidst the tumult of World War I, a poignant scene unfolded as the troops of the 4th Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment, part of the 29th…

‘Saving Private Ryan’ Facts Every Movie Fan Should Know

The 1998 epic film Saving Private Ryan is one of the greatest, most accurate film representations of the Second World War. Directed by Steven Spielberg, the film received critical…

Believe it or not, gas station bathrooms used to be squeaky clean. Here’s what changed

Gas station bathrooms are the last place most people want to stop to do their business. But that wasn’t always the case. Spotless bathrooms were once a crucial selling…

Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier

U.S. Air Force Captain Chuck Yeager becomes the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. Yeager, born in Myra, West Virginia, in 1923, was…

Unsung: The AN/M2 .50-cal. Machine Gun in World War II

When we think of the firearms used by U.S. forces during World War II, the AN/M2 .50-caliber machine gun doesn’t exactly jump to the front of the…

Harry Styles is actually woefully underrated

We haven’t seen an artist like him since David Bowie  I’ve always considered myself to be somewhat of a music purist. I still listen to albums from…

The story behind the only known painting by The Beatles, as it goes up for sale at auction

The Beatles travelled to Japan as part of their 1966 world tour – they decided to stop doing live performances at the end of that year (Credit:…

Do you have one of these gathering dust in your attic? The 10 most valuable records of all time, revealed – and it’s good news if you’re a Beatles collector

If you’ve ever flicked through a charity shop’s bargain box of records, it might be hard to imagine that old vinyl could be worth serious cash.  But…