The True Relationship Between Kate Middleton and King Charles Revealed

 The far-from-ideal relatio nship between King Charles III and his daughter-in-law, Princess Catherine of Wales. It all started when Princes…

nship between King Charles III and his daughter-in-law, Princess Catherine of Wales. It all started when Princess Catherine became a part of the Firm. Behind the opulence of palaces and the glitter of royal jewels lie dark intrigues and fierce power struggles. 

The exemplary Princess Catherine of Wales has become a symbol of goodness and hope in a scandal-ridden British monarchy. Perhaps it is for her impeccable style, charity work, and warm connection with the public that King Charles III has taken a disliking to her.

Let’s not forget Queen Camilla, whose influence over Charles is evident even to those outside the palace walls. It is said that her cold calculation and manipulations lead the King to make decisions that go against the interests of the people and the traditions of the monarchy. Unsatisfied with playing second fiddle, Camilla has dominated Charles by exploiting his weaknesses and insecurities, and without a doubt, she does not extend her favor to Princess Catherine.

So, why does the King dislike Princess Catherine even though everything appears to suggest their friendship is unbreakable? When Catherine married Prince William, the media was utterly charmed by her image, sparking jealousy and resentment in Charles. Accustomed to being the center of attention, he struggled to accept that the acclaim had suddenly shifted to the young and captivating Princess of Wales.

This is a sad déjà vu, as he had already felt overshadowed by Princess Diana during their marriage. The emotional trauma from Charles and Diana’s separation still lingers in the hearts and minds of many royal family members and fans. So, it’s no surprise that years later, Charles was deeply hurt by the fact that topics like Catherine’s outfits garnered more media attention than his charitable work.

The Royal expert adds, “The comparison to Diana became more burdensome as even his own achievements were persistently overshadowed by a more vibrant personality.”

What do you think? Was the marriage between Princess Diana and Prince Charles a mistake? Though, had that marriage not happened, the world wouldn’t have William and Harry. And, of course, give us a like to support us. Now, let’s continue.

According to British tabloids, the wife of Prince William has even gone so far as to restrict the Monarch’s visits with his grandchildren. Rumors have been circulating in the British press for months that Princess Catherine and William are allegedly preventing Charles from seeing the children regularly. These rumors only add fuel to the tensions within the royal family.

However, Camilla refuted these claims in an interview with BBC One. She emphasized that Charles can visit and play with the children whenever he wishes, but it seems these statements didn’t convince anyone, as the press continues to publish new articles claiming that Charles, now King Charles III, does not get to see his grandchildren as often as he’d like.

According to a New Idea publication, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles are also involved in a silent feud with Princess Catherine’s parents. The root of the problem lies in the bouts of jealousy Charles experiences. He feels envious of his son Prince William and his grandchildren George, Charlotte, and Louis in relation to his in-laws. Charles believes that Carole Middleton, with her strong-willed nature, alienates his grandchildren from him. He very rarely sees the children, and neither Catherine nor William has ever left their children with the royal grandfather.

According to the publication, this animosity began from the moment Prince George was born. Naturally, Carole came to help her daughter with the newborn. When Catherine returned from maternity leave to resume official royal engagements, she once again enlisted her mother’s help. When Prince George turned three, his birthday party was hosted at the Middleton family estate. It is said that Prince Charles was livid with jealousy and attempted to ensure that Carole and Michael would be excluded from royal family events.

This tension has been ongoing for years. Princess Catherine is reportedly extremely unhappy with this situation. She does not approve of her parents being denied invitations and not being called to significant royal events such as the Queen’s birthday or royal horse races. However, we did see them at the recent races in Ascot. In comparison, he sees his grandchildren very little and harbors some resentment. As mentioned earlier, the situation is further complicated by Charles’s resentment towards his son. He often feels ignored in favor of Carole.

Like a classic fairy tale stepmother, Camilla adds fuel to the fire, stoking Charles’s insecurities. She seizes every opportunity to tarnish the reputation of Princess Catherine, whom she has never liked. When Carole Middleton learned of these accusations, she was devastated.

He also noted that perhaps their low public profile was the Middletons’ way of maintaining a respectful distance from the royal family. Thus, the complex relationships between the older and younger generations of the royal family continue to be a topic for discussion and speculation, creating a divide between them.

However, recently, with both King Charles III and Princess Catherine facing illness, the King has become fiercely intolerant of any criticism or negative comments aimed at the Princess of Wales. Many suspect that King Charles III has pulled all conceivable strings to either forbid or persuade the press and social media platforms to leave the Princess alone while she undergoes treatment and recovers. In fact, with his unprecedented persistence, it seems he has succeeded in this endeavor.

Inside and outside the palace, there are those who have criticized Princess Catherine for years, long before her diagnosis, for supposedly not taking on her share of royal duties, for not attending as many ribbon-cutting ceremonies, hospital openings, and plaque unveilings as, for instance, the late Queen Elizabeth II or Princess Anne.

Royal writer Christopher Andersen shared, “The Princess of Wales has always preferred to prioritize the well-being of her children over royal obligations.” In the past, Charles remained silent on the matter and allowed critical speeches against her, but that’s all over now. The King will no longer tolerate any criticism of Catherine, period.

All members of the royal family and court know they risk punishment under the riot act if they dare utter a word of negativity about the Princess of Wales, Andersen stated. Charles has also made it clear that everyone should refrain from questioning when and how she will return to a full public work schedule.

Shortly after Catherine disclosed her condition to the public, King Charles III publicly stated that he is so proud of Catherine for her bravery in speaking out as she did. Later, Buckingham Palace announced that His Majesty is in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law. The King and Queen Camilla will continue to offer their love and support to the entire family during this difficult time, the palace declared.