Lady Colin Campbell claims Princess Anne is royal accused by Harry and Meghan of asking about ‘Archie’s skin colour’ – but she insists it was actually a misunderstanding about ‘culture’

Lady Colin Campbell today claimed that Princess Anne is the royal Meghan and Harry accused of racism in their bombshell interview with Oprah – but insisted the Queen’s daughter was completely misunderstood by the Sussexes.

The Jamaican-born British socialite, 71, claims that the Princess Royal has concerns about the suitability of Meghan and whether she would have ‘respect’ for the Royal Family – but this had nothing to do with her being mixed-race.

The Sussexes have claimed a relative of Harry’s said there were ‘concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born’ and how ‘dark’ he would be. Lady C claims it was Princess Anne.

But the couple refused to name the alleged culprit in an interview watched by more than 50million people worldwide, saying it would be too damaging to the person they were accusing of racism.

She said: ‘Harry decided that on the slimmest of hints about culture – that it referred to colour.

‘She [Anne] had concerns about the disastrous effects of allowing somebody of that ilk, character wise, into the family, would not only cause trouble for all of them but also for any child born of the union’.

Lady C added: ‘Harry ran to Meghan with the objections, Meghan weaponised them on the grounds of colour. We are looking at people who are very eager to spot a slight where doubtless none exist’.

Buckingham Palace has declined to comment on the claims today. MailOnline has also approached the Sussexes for comment.

Lady Colin Campbell today claimed that Princess Anne is the royal Meghan and Harry accused of racism in their bombshell interview with Oprah

Lady Colin Campbell today claimed that Princess Anne is the royal Meghan and Harry accused of racism in their bombshell interview with Oprah

Lady Colin has told her own podcast, 'Chatting with Lady C', that the Sussexes were pointing the finger at Princess Anne, unfairly, because she was concerned about Meghan's suitability to join the family

They also suggested that they tried to deprive Archie of a title and security because he was of mixed race.

Archbishop of Canterbury destroys Harry and Meghan’s wedding story: He says legal wedding WAS on the Saturday

The Archbishop of Canterbury has rejected the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s claim that he married them at a secret ceremony before their Windsor Castle wedding.

Breaking his silence on what the couple told Oprah Winfrey three weeks ago, Justin Welby said he signed Harry and Meghan’s wedding certificate on the day millions watched them marry.

The legal wedding was on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at St George’s Chapel, he said. In her interview, Meghan raised eyebrows when she told Miss Winfrey that she and Harry were married ‘just the two of us in our backyard with the Archbishop of Canterbury’.

But the 65-year-old told an Italian newspaper yesterday: ‘The legal wedding was on the Saturday.’

He was asked ‘what happened with Meghan and Harry? Did you really marry them three days before the official wedding?’

But then he added: ‘I had a number of private and pastoral meetings with the duke and duchess before the wedding.

‘The legal wedding was on the Saturday. I signed the wedding certificate, which is a legal document, and I would have committed a serious criminal offence if I signed it knowing it was false.

‘So you can make what you like about it. But the legal wedding was on the Saturday. But I won’t say what happened at any other meetings.’


But Lady Colin has told her own podcast, ‘Chatting with Lady C’, that they were pointing the finger at Princess Anne, unfairly, and it was a misunderstanding in a discussion about the cultural differences between Brits and American.

Citing a royal insider, she said: ‘There were no concerns about Meghan’s colour. Princess Anne was rightly concerned that if the marriage proceeded and there were children there would be huge problems, not because of Meghan’s colour, but because of Meghan’s inability and determination to remain unable to appreciate the cultural differences’.

She added that Anne was concerned that Meghan may not ‘actually have respect for the institution in to which she was marrying, and the family in which she was marrying’.

‘Meghan and Harry have used that genuine concern of a loving aunt, knowing that because she is down to earth, experienced, modest, intelligent and sensible, and that you cannot make a sow’s ear into a silk purse.

‘Nobody is the guilty party in terms of racism. But Princess Anne was the champion in terms of ‘don’t marry that girl, she is unsuitable. She is wrong for the country, wrong for the job. Well, it’s turned out to be true.

‘I think it’s important that it is out there before it is weaponised by some anti-establishment, anti-monarchist organisation, who will spin things destructively to further their agenda.

‘I think there is a time to get in the first blow. I’ve met Princess Anne a few times, but we’re not friends’.

Previously the Queen responded to the Sussexes’ interview with a deeply personal message saying that while ‘some recollections vary’, the issues raised, particularly that of race, were ‘concerning’ and would be taken seriously.

Significantly, however, she emphasised that from now on their difficulties should be addressed by the family privately.

The couple made several explosive claims of racism within the Royal Family during the interview.

Oprah Winfrey asked whether there were concerns her child would be ‘too brown’ and that would be a problem. Meghan replied: ‘If that is the assumption you are making, that is a pretty safe one.’

Harry complained none of his relatives spoke out in support of Meghan after stories he claimed had ‘colonial undertones’ were published.

How Harry and Meghan faced ‘misinformation’ claims of their own after Oprah interview – and CBS was blasted over doctoring headlines

Harry and Meghan were repeatedly accused of spreading misinformation during their Oprah interview. Some of their claims were found about the Royal Family were found to be untrue, others have been contested.

The Duke of Sussexhas  joined a panel he claims will fight an ‘avalanche of misinformation’ online in the US. 

Here are some of the couple’s claims to Oprah that have been dismissed over the past fortnight. 

Harry and Meghan were actually secretly wed three days before the Windsor ceremony by the Archbishop of Canterbury

MailOnline has obtained the document which blows holes in the Sussexes' claims they were wed in a private hearing at Kensington Palace

MailOnline has obtained the document which blows holes in the Sussexes’ claims they were wed in a private hearing at Kensington Palace

Meghan told Oprah: ‘You know, three days before our wedding, we got married. No one knows that… We called the Archbishop and we just said, ‘Look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world but we want our union between us.’

Fact check: False

Reality: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding certificate proves they did not get married three days before their Windsor Castle ceremony.

Church of England marriages require at least two witnesses and the public must also have unrestricted access to the building during any marriage ceremony to allow for valid objections against the marriage.

A couple who are already lawfully married cannot choose to re-marry each other, unless there is some doubt as to the validity of the earlier marriage.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has since confirmed that this was the case.

Archie has a birthright to be a prince

Meghan told Oprah the ‘idea of the first member of colour in this family, not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be… It’s not their right to take it away’

Fact check: False

Reality: Archie did not have a birthright to be a prince, but could potentially become one when Charles accedes to the throne.

Archie wouldn’t get 24/7 security because he wasn’t a prince

Meghan told Oprah: ‘In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time, so we (had) the conversation of he won’t be given security, he’s not going to be given a title.’

Fact check: False

Reality: Being a prince or princess does not automatically mean royals have police protection. Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie’s security is no longer paid for by the taxpayer.

Harry was financially cut off from the royals

Harry told Oprah: ‘My family literally cut me off financially, and I had to afford security for us’

Fact check: They wanted to be financially independent

Reality: When Harry and Meghan announced their intention to step back from being senior royals, they said they wanted to be ‘financially independent’.

Before cutting ties, 95 per cent of their money came from Prince Charles’s income from the Duchy of Cornwall, and 5 per cent from the taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant. William and Harry received most of a £13million fortune left by their mother Princess Diana. Harry is also thought to have had millions left to him by the Queen mother.

…. And Oprah’s team was accused of doctoring headlines to smear the UK press as racist 

ITV was last night forced to edit part of Oprah Winfrey’s explosive interview with the Sussexes after it was revealed that it included misleading and distorted headlines which portrayed British press coverage of the couple as racist. Pictured: Analysis of the headlines

Headlines that were flashed on the screen during the controversial interview with the US chat show host were cynically manipulated to back up the couple¿s assertion that they were the victims of bigoted coverage

Headlines that were flashed on the screen during the controversial interview with the US chat show host were cynically manipulated to back up the couple’s assertion that they were the victims of bigoted coverage

Lawyers for Associated Newspapers, owner of the Daily Mail and MailOnline, have written to Viacom CBS calling for a ‘seriously inaccurate and misleading’ montage of British newspapers to be removed from the Oprah interview programme.

The company has criticised the CBS show for ‘deliberate distortion and doctoring’ of newspaper headlines to support its claims about racist UK press coverage.

ITV later edited their version of the show when it was broadcast in the UK due to the misleading headlines.


‘No-one from my family ever said anything over those three years. That hurts,’ he said.

The Duke added of the Press: ‘Unfortunately, if the source of information is inherently corrupt or racist or biased then that filters out to the rest of society.’

In an extra clip that did not make the final two-hour cut, Oprah asks Harry if they left the UK because of racism to which he replied: ‘It was a large part of it.’

In more additional footage, Meghan said her treatment in the Press had been worse than Kate’s, saying: ‘If a member of his family would comfortably say “we’ve all had to deal with things that are rude”, rude and racist are not the same.’

Royal warfare erupted after Harry and Meghan revealed deeply private and confidential conversations with the royal family to a US journalist friend after they appeared on Oprah, despite claiming it would be their ‘final word’ on their rift with the royals.

The couple told breakfast show host Gayle King the prince had finally spoken to his father and brother – and she went on a major TV network to disclose that the talks ‘were not productive’.

Miss King also suggested that Meghan was unhappy that no-one in the Royal Family had picked up the phone to her yet following their explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

And in a thinly-veiled threat, the broadcaster said Meghan had made clear she has ‘documents to back up everything she said on Oprah’s interview’.

The fact that the couple chose to discuss such sensitive discussions between senior members of the royal family with a TV journalist, who broadcast them blow-by-blow within hours, met with an icy response from Buckingham Palace.

Prince William has insisted that the Royal Family were not racists after Meghan claimed one of them had raised ‘concerns’ about ‘how dark’ her baby’s skin would be, and suggested that they tried to deprive Archie of a title and security because he was of mixed race.

She also claimed she had been given so little support by the palace that she suffered suicidal thoughts.

For his part, Harry said he felt ‘really let down’ by his father, accused him of cutting him off financially and refusing to take his calls, while revealing there was a gulf between himself and William.

In recent days there have been a handful of stories published in the UK reporting that Charles and William felt hurt by what Harry had said, but with very little detail on what was taking place behind the scenes.

That was turned on its head when Miss King, who attended Meghan’s lavish baby shower in New York in 2019 and is Miss Winfrey’s closest friend, decided to speak out on her prime time morning show on CBS, the same channel that broadcast the Sussexes’ interview.

Harry was accused of ‘embarrassing’ hypocrisy this week for speaking to CBS, which caused outrage in 2004 by showing a photograph of his mother dying in a 1997 car crash in Paris.

Miss King told viewers she had called Harry and Meghan at their £10 million California home ‘over the weekend’ to discuss the fall-out from the interview and revealed that they had told her details of their intimate conversations.

She said: ‘Well I’m not trying to break news, but I did actually call them to see how they were feeling, and it’s true, Harry has talked to his brother and he has talked to his father too.

‘The word I was given was that those conversations were not productive. But they are glad that they have at least started a conversation.’

Miss King also claimed that the couple were unhappy that ‘the palace’ had apparently been leaking what they believed were untrue stories to the media, adding: ‘And I think what is still upsetting to them is the palace keep saying they want to work it out privately, but yet, they believe these false stories are coming out that are very disparaging against Meghan, still.’

She made clear that the Duchess was unhappy that no-one in the family had called her, despite her making a string of highly inflammatory allegations against several of them in her interview and revealing details of what had been a private conversation between her husband and a family member in which it was alleged an offensive comment had been made.

‘No one in the Royal Family has talked to Meghan yet, at this particular time,’ she said.

The Sussexes effectively accused the Royal Family and Buckingham Palace of institutional racism in their interview with Miss Winfrey.

But Miss King claimed they felt ‘frustrated’ that much of the coverage had focused on this – when they had apparently only wanted to provoke the monarchy into taking action against the media, which they believe has a racist agenda against Meghan.

‘I think it’s frustrating for them to see that it’s a racial conversation about the Royal Family when all they wanted all along was for the royals to intervene and tell the Press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant,’ Miss King said.

‘And until you can acknowledge that, I think it’s going to be hard to move forward. But they both want to move forward with this and they both want healing in this family. At the end of the day, that is Harry’s family.’

The broadcaster also raised the investigation launched earlier this month by Buckingham Palace into how claims of bullying against Meghan lodged by a senior member of palace staff were handled.

Her former communications secretary, Jason Knauf, complained in 2018 that she had driven out two PAs with her behaviour and was targeting other female members of staff, but nothing was apparently ever done in response to his allegations.

Miss King says: ‘The bullying thing was raised in 2018 and now there’s an ongoing investigation about bullying from Meghan Markle, when anyone who has worked with her will tell you exactly who she is. You know, she’s really a very sweet, caring person.’

She added: ‘And as I say, Meghan has documents to back up everything that she said on Oprah’s interview. Everything.’

In a further discussion about the ongoing family strife and how to resolve it, Miss King seemed to suggest that Harry and Meghan were not satisfied by Buckingham Palace’s response to their bombshell interview and the claims in it.

She said: ‘The family has to acknowledge that there are issues. And right now, no-one has acknowledged, “Houston, we have a problem here”. That’s really all they want. They want a conversation. They both want a conversation.’

There was no immediate reaction from the Sussexes’s team of PR people – either in London or California – about whether Miss King was speaking at their request.

But as one of their closest friends and media allies in the US, it is unthinkable, say insiders, that they would not have at least been aware that she may choose to brief it.

Royals aides appeared to be genuinely horrified that either the duke or duchess would personally choose to tell anyone, let alone a television journalist, about intimate and highly confidential conversations that Harry was having with his closest family.

They fail to see how it will go any way towards repairing their damaged relationships or rebuilding the family’s shattered trust – on either side.

One said: ‘The only positive we can take out of this is that at least they are talking. It would be better from now on, however, if that could be done in private space.’