During Friday’s Loose Women, Matt Willis opened up about his journey as he went through rehab and counselling for his addictions

Matt Willis revealed his wife Emma Willis sometimes gets ‘triggered’ by some of his actions as she’s reminded of past addictions.

The Busted singer opened up about his struggles with booze and drug addiction in his documentary called Matt Willis: Fighting Addiction earlier this year.

The incredibly raw programme saw the 40-year-old singer discuss the pressure his problems put on his family, including his wife, Emma.

In the early 00s, Matt spent a few years checking in and out of rehab but Emma was determined to stick by him through thick and thin

The star relapsed in 2016 when he was offered cocaine at a party. He quickly spiralled from being given a single line to taking six grams a day in his recording studio while hiding the relapse from Emma, telling her he was writing a new album.

And now, Matt is determined to raise awareness through documentaries and interviews.

During Friday’s Loose Women, Matt opened up about his and Emma’s journey as he went through rehab and counselling.

“I’ve learned the most in recovery from talking to other people who have gone through it and kind of learning their stories,” he admitted.

Nadia then asked whether his wife found any comfort in being in meetings and sharing their experiences.

“We’ve done kind of couples counselling and things, and it’s gonna be much more open and honest about things and the things that I do which I don’t realise which still trigger her from those days,” he said.

“Well, I’m not drinking and using drugs anymore. It’s all behaviour with me.”

Emma “was always scared” to bring certain things up with him as she feared Matt would “spiral”.

Emma Willis
The couple met almost 20 years ago 
Dave Benett/Getty Images)
“It actually does the opposite because I’m at a point now where I’m just like, ‘Let’s put it on the table’,” Matt told the panellists.

The duo met in 2004 while Matt was performing with his bandmates Charlie Simpson and James Bourne, and Emma, whose maiden name was Griffith, was a presenter for MTV.

Matt previously revealed he was surprised that Emma stayed with him, admitting he was a “mastermind at gaslighting” when trying to hide his problems.

He claimed there were several moments when he thought they’d call it quits, but it never happened.

In his documentary, Matt says: “I was always surprised [Emma] didn’t leave me, she’s an unbelievable woman.

“I caused her so much agony, but she saw something in me I didn’t see in myself, and I’m forever grateful to her and indebted to her.”